Books & Resources
We Help You Take A Next Step
The books and resources published by Next Step Press have one goal in mind: we want to help you find delight in following Jesus, one small step at a time. Find a resource that's good for you. Then invite a select group of friends to join you for the journey. We follow Jesus better when we follow Him together.
Winner of the 2020 BIBA Award for best independently published Christian book, Delight! is designed to help you find new joy in your relationship with God in Jesus Christ. You'll get a new appreciation of how much God delights in you, and how adventurous the life of faith can be! Find out more.
How-To Companions for People like You
What does it even mean to “follow” Jesus in today’s world? What attitudes and habits help you take a small next step, and then another, and then another? What do you do if you get off track?
The My Next Step series provides real help for real people who want to follow Jesus, but sometimes get stuck.
In these pages, you won’t find the secret formula that makes faith easy. You won’t find three sure-fire tips for tackling doubt. You won’t even find the one right way to improve your relationship with Jesus. Instead, you’ll find a gracious framework for following, laid in love, with practical, real-life faith experiments that help you explore ways you might take a small next step.
My Next Step: A How-To Companion for People Who Want to Follow Jesus
(But Sometimes Get Stuck)
(But Sometimes Get Stuck)
Volume 1:
Getting Started
This first volume looks at attitudes and patterns of thinking that help make following Jesus an adventure rather than a burden. You’ll practice being honest with God and withholding judgment long enough to wonder what Jesus is up to in your life. You’re off to a good start.
My Next Step: A How-To Companion for People Who Want to Follow Jesus
(But Sometimes Get Stuck)
(But Sometimes Get Stuck)
Volume 2: Who's on
Your Rope?
Volume 2 leans into the blessings of having someone (anyone!) on your rope as you move forward in faith. You’ll explore how to engage Jesus in his Word and look for the work of the divine Sculptor in your life as the Spirit shapes a unique response in you. We follow Jesus better when we follow him together.
My Next Step: A How-To Companion for People Who Want to Follow Jesus
(But Sometimes Get Stuck)
(But Sometimes Get Stuck)
Volume 3:
Finding Your Groove
We’ll put it all together to find a simple, repeatable process that supports your ongoing faith journey. Once our Standard Following Procedure is in place, we’ll explore some ways we can get off track, and discover some tools for recalibrating. Don't miss the rest of the story in Volume 3!
The My Next Step Journal:
For People Who
Want to Follow Jesus
(But Sometimes Get Stuck)
For People Who
Want to Follow Jesus
(But Sometimes Get Stuck)
The My Next Step
The My Next Step Journal will help you grow in your faith. These prayers, reflections, and faith experiments equip you to practice a simple and repeatable process for discovering your next step. The Spirit is at work in you, both to will and to do (Phil 2:13), so let's take a small next step, together!
The Emotional Devotional
Following Jesus in Every Emotion
Following Jesus in Every Emotion
Written and illustrated by teenage girls, for teenage girls, these devotions and prayers provide a real, accessible, and down-to-earth way of inviting Jesus into whatever emotions you are experiencing. Whether you get one for yourself or for a teenager you love, this resource is an invitation to take a small step toward following Jesus in every emotion.
Preaching Metaphor
How to Shape Sermons that Shape People
How to Shape Sermons that Shape People
Preaching week after week can be a burden. This book invites you into a way of imagining and experiencing preaching that brings life back to your pulpit. You'll have fun exploring new ways to let the dynamics of the Gospel shine through in your sermons and in the lives of the people for whom you preach.
The Hymn Journal Phenomenon
Three of our best-selling resources put a new spin on an old craze: Bible journaling goes to a new level when you add lyrics, devotions, and faith experiments.
With engaging illustrations from Visual Faith™ Ministry artists, these hymn journals add depth and breadth to your journey of faith.
Each hymn journal also has an entire season of the Next Step Podcast dedicated to exploring the art, music, and theology in ways that make it come alive. Perfect for individuals, small groups, or congregational use as a study or seasonal sermon series.
Discover more about each hymn journal below, or visit our friends from Visual Faith™ Ministry at
Light in the Darkness
A Hymn Journal for
Advent & Christmas
A Hymn Journal for
Advent & Christmas
9 traditional hymns and carols and 3 new songs from Brooke Orozco make this resource a great way to slow down and get the most our of your Christmas season.
When from Death I'm Free
A Hymn Journal for
Holy Week
A Hymn Journal for
Holy Week
6 worship songs from Kip Fox join 6 of your favorite hymns to form a wonderful experience of Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. The devotions, music, and art will help you explore, journal, ponder, and grow.
Ponder Anew
A Hymn Journal of
Trust & Confidence
A Hymn Journal of
Trust & Confidence
12 hymns of trust and confidence you love to sing. Scripture readings, devotions, and faith experiments that help you spend time in God's Word. Illustrations that invite meditation: this hymn journal has it all!
Tales from the Next Step Community
Jesus at the Center
of My Messy Life
Tales from the Next Step Community, Year One
of My Messy Life
Tales from the Next Step Community, Year One
This anthology of blogs from The Next Step Community is sure to help you see your faith walk in a new light. Real people struggle with following Jesus in honest ways that bring insight and joy to your own journey.
Be Still
and Notice
Tales from the Next Step Community, Year Two
and Notice
Tales from the Next Step Community, Year Two
Be Still and Notice is a real, engaging, and inspiring look at the ordinary joys and challenges of following Jesus. Read it as a devotion, gift it to a friend, or explore it with your small group: this collection will help you delight in taking a small step following Jesus
Take My Moments
and My Days
Tales from the Next Step Community, Year Three
and My Days
Tales from the Next Step Community, Year Three
Like you, our bloggers are trying to live out dependence on Jesus moment to moment, day to day. Their stories are an invitation to join the adventure and to live under an umbrella of grace that makes even your daily grind a place you can expect Jesus to show up.
Today Is Where
The Gift Is
Tales from the Next Step Community, Volume Four
The Gift Is
Tales from the Next Step Community, Volume Four
When your life (and your faith) feel kind of stuck, it’s easy to push your ideas about fulfillment or even happiness off to some distant future. But already now, Jesus is with you in the midst of the struggle, the challenge, and the mess. You don’t have to wait. Today is where the gift is.
More Resources from Next Step Press
Come, Holy Spirit
A Daily Discipleship Travel Log for Easter to Pentecost
A Daily Discipleship Travel Log for Easter to Pentecost
When was the last time you prayed for the Holy Spirit? Over the course of 40 days, this Discipleship Travel Log explores the role of the Spirit as a sculptor who shapes us to look more like Jesus. The daily Scripture readings, devotions, and prayers help you lean into the work of the Spirit in your everyday life.
You, Follow Me
A Daily Discipleship Travel Log for Advent & Christmas
A Daily Discipleship Travel Log for Advent & Christmas
The weeks leading up to Christmas and New Year seem to be some of the most hectic of the year. This discipleship travel log offers real help for a busy season. Available in paperback, on Kindle, and in a large print edition with wide margins for taking notes or adding color.
Preaching, Post-COVID
What We've Learned about Sermons, Sermon Series,
and Your Preaching Ministry
What We've Learned about Sermons, Sermon Series,
and Your Preaching Ministry
This eBook supports both individual development and collaborative conversation around the changes in our communications environment. Get your copy on Kindle, receive a thank you PDF for signing up as a discipling leader, or contact Next Step Press to resource your group.
The Movable Adventure Journal
Pathways for Transformation
A Visual Faith Companion to the Online Experience
Pathways for Transformation
A Visual Faith Companion to the Online Experience
Visual Faith® Ministry has gathered together encouraging stories of transformation from 39 people who share their journey with Jesus in 40+ videos, all in one online experience. The supporting materials captured in The Movable Adventure Journal reflect the four pathways for exploring discipleship & spiritual transformation covered in the online experience.
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