For My Friends
No One Journeys Alone
You can't follow Jesus over the long haul all by yourself. People are the most sinful, stubborn, fallen, and vulnerable of all of God's creatures, but we need each other desperately. Maybe it's just one or two trusted friends. Maybe you have a small group that's been living life together for years. But somehow, someway, if you want to take a next step, you will need a safe place to talk about your joys and failures with someone who loves Jesus, and loves you, too.
Your relationships don't have to be perfect; in fact, they won't be. But we still need other people on this journey of faith. Let us help you figure out what it means to follow Jesus together.
Relationship Triad
Who helps you take a next step? Micro-small groups of 3-5 can make a real difference in your discipleship walk. (We call them "triads" because three is an ideal group size.)
Triads are not like other small groups or studies, where you get information at the meeting and have little time for processing. Instead, Triad Guidebooks take you through content throughout your week so that by the time you meet, you are ready to discuss what Jesus is doing in your life.
The Relationship Triad is designed for three people to share seven sessions over 7-14 weeks, depending on how often they meet. Invite a friend (or a potential friend), set aside 60-90 minutes every week or two, and get ready to experience a new depth of relational discipleship.
The Relationship Triad Guidebook will soon be available as a digital download from Next Step Press. The Guidebook covers other materials, including chapters of books from different publishers. You can get a complete set of resources for less than $40 on amazon: check out the recommended reading list here.
Who's on Your Rope?
Even if you have never been mountain climbing, I bet you can imagine what it is like to be clipped onto a climbing rope for your own protection, but also for the sake of the other people traveling with you.
To have someone on your rope means you are both headed in the same direction. It means you are committed to getting to the same place, together.
To have someone on your rope means, whether they are ahead of you or behind you on the journey, if they slip, you are prepared to keep them from falling. And if you slip, you have people, both ahead of you and behind you, who are there to help.
I think that image of mutual support, mutual direction, and reciprocal commitment is a beautiful picture of relational discipleship.
You are trying to follow Jesus; it’s not easy, and you need help. But the help you need doesn’t merely come in the form of a lecture on mountain climbing or a video on the best practices for dangerous journeys.
You need someone with you, next to you, tied into your personal journey as you both take a next step. It can be treacherous out there! You need someone on your rope; for your sake as well as theirs.
Recommended Reading
Here at Next Step Press, we don't have the corner on discipleship content. But we do have a unique take on how we can follow Jesus more intentionally. So it seems natural to us to promote and augment excellent work by other authors and publishers.
When we suggest a book or a resource, you can trust that this outside content aligns with our vision and values. And we trust that you understand not everyone will talk or even believe exactly like we do.
Our goal is to help you delight in taking a next step following Jesus. Sometimes the best way we can do that is by pointing you to something we don't sell and didn't publish.
And every once in awhile, we like something so well, we can't help but provide supporting material. Check out this reading list based on Relational Discipleship for some of the titles we like best. Then consider starting a Relationship Triad based on some of those books. Our Relationship Triad Guidebook (coming soon) is just one small way we are trying to help you access and process the best discipling tools available.
More for you from The Next Step Community blog.