Ponder Anew

Ponder Anew: A Hymn Journal of Trust and Confidence

Music to Accompany a Hymn Journal

As you sketch, draw, color, read, meditate, and pray your way through this hymn journal of trust and confidence, you might want a soundtrack for your faith walk. All of the hymns in the journal are available below.

The selection here is meant to support your exploration, but not limit it. You prefer big brass? Great! Do a little searching on iTunes or YouTube and see what you come up with! Want more of an "unplugged" feel? Perfect! Search for hymns for guitar.

Maybe you want to pick a different version every time you go to engage the book. Try something new and see what works. Find a setting that speaks your heart language. Then listen to one or two you don't like as well. What's the difference? Why did it matter? What did you learn from the settings of the songs you liked least? Most? How can music become part of your faith experiment?

If you don't have a copy of the book yet, click below:

1. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

2. What a Friend We Have in Jesus

3. Great is Thy Faithfulness

4. How Firm a Foundation

5. O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High

6. How Can I Keep from Singing?

7. In the Cross of Christ I Glory

8. I am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus

9. Come unto Me, Ye Weary

10. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing

11. O God, Our Help in Ages Past

12. It is Well with My Soul